So, its that phase of life when your knowledge and ability would be judged. Your entire life is dependent on this phase. Yes, you predicted it right! We are talking about board exams. The word ‘board‘ brings with it stress, nervousness and lot of sleepless nights for a student and it is obvious as it is one of the important moment that will help in shaping their future.
Since, board exam has already begun and we know many of you would be facing concentration issue, so here are some important points that will help you in enhancing your learning level.
As per the experts opinion, a student’s concentration comes from the third eye and crown chakra and in order to boost the stamina, it is mandatory to strengthen up the both. To activate the third eye and crown chakra sit in grounding position as before activating this chakra grounding is required. Sit for 10-15min in the position to make the concentration level strong.
If a student is not willing to do these tricks then parents can perform some functions for their kids. There is a crystal called tigers eye which can be placed under the beds mattress towards the child’s feet and place amethyst crystal under their pillow.
When a child will take a nap these crystals will help. In increasing the energy level and will let go of negativity. Also, parents can give jasmine tea for calming the mind or can put lavender oil essence in your child’s room. Also, parents should not nag in front of the child to study more.
Lastly is you are under stress then take a deep breath and listen you calming music. Taking sea salt bath will help in reducing stress. Lighting lavender and sandalwood essence stick in the room will help In attracting good vibes.
So, go ahead and try these tips provided by our panelist, psychic and spiritual healer Doctor Madhu Kotiya. Thanks us later! Remember – Sharing is Caring!
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